NCBC links to other cycling sites

bicycle chain

This is a collection of links to other cycling-related sites on the internet. It is by no means exhaustive; I've listed sites that I've found to be either useful, interesting, or amusing. I very much welcome suggestions - just click on the "Suggest a web site" button below.



Bicycles FAQ Frequently Asked Questions, culled from the rec.bicycles.* newsgroups. A wealth of information, and the first place to look before posting a question to a newsgroup. Required reading for the serious cyclist.
Bicycling Life The "Bicycling Life" web site has many interesting articles, such as "Laying Down the Law about Bicycles".
Bicyclopedia Impressive collection of definitions, biographies, and everything bicycling. A site you should acquaint yourself with for future reference.
Common Myths about Bicycling Modern Bicycling Myths, from the Bicycling Life web site.
Dilemmas of Bicycle Planning The Dilemmas of Bicycle Planning, written by Paul Schimek of MIT
The Roads We Have This is a well-written article entitled "The Roads We Have". Be sure to check out the "Danger Index" stats from Mortiz's 1996 study.
Triangle Roadway Bicycling Links From the Triangle Roadway Bicycling web page, maintained by Bruce Rosar and providing Roadway Bicycling education since 1995.
WWW Bike Repair Shop Easy-to-follow explanations of bike repairs.


Ace Racing Check this out if your planning to be in Roanoke Rapids, NC or up around Lake Gaston
Assault on Mt. Mitchell Lots of info on the ultimate century ride.
Best and Worst of RAGBRAI You've got to read it to believe it. Probably don't want to let your parents or spouse see this if you ever plan to ride RAGBRAI.
Bridge-to-Bridge Web page for the Grandfather Mountain ride in mid-September.
Cycle North Carolina Blue Ridge to the Beach, October 6-13, 2001. Pedal through beautiful fall colors on a fully supported recreational cross-state ride from Mt. Airy to Elizabeth City. Fee includes sag, rest stops, camping, entertainment, end-of-the-ride party and much more.
Cycle North Carolina
c/o North Carolina Amateur Sports
Mike Caleen
PO Box 12727
RTP, NC 27709
(800) 277-8763
Hilly Hellacious Hundred A good Mountain Century starting from Fletcher, NC. Century route circles Lake Lure. Very Scenic.
Lake Anna Century The Richmond Area Bicycling Association cordially invites you to come and ride over the bumps with us during our annual Lake Anna Century Tour. Come along when we circumnavigate one of Virginia's largest bodies of water. Cruise through uncongested farmlands and around scenic waterways. This ride is less than flat and well attended by mid-Atlantic cyclists. Reserve September 17th for a different trip this year. Complete with sag, repair, refreshment and emergency support on hand. Nearly 300 cyclist enjoyed the quarter, metric or english century last year. For more information contact Mark Pye at fax # 804.794.2698
Mountain Bike Mania A mountain bike event on 4/15/00, sponsored by the same organization that hosts the annual Bridge-to-Bridge road bike ride. Contact Cathy Rhuberg for more information.
Mountains of Misery This demanding event follows one of the most challenging portions of the Tour du Pont racecourse and ends with an extreme climb to Mountain Lake Resort atop 4200' Salt Pond Mountain. The ride will rival the Carolinas' Assault on Mt Mitchell and Bridge to Bridge rides in both rigor and scenic beauty.
Ride for Habitat Metric Century ride starting from Concord, NC on March, 25th. Hosted by Charlotte Sports Cycling. Habitat plans to raise $32,000 from this ride, enough to build an entire house for a deserving family.
Rides Around Wilkes Brushy Mountain Cyclists Club's annual Spring road cycling event with 25, 40, and 70 mile options.
Surf and Sand Century A Century scheduled for 5/20/2000 and sponsored by the "Wheels of Dare" bicycle club.
Three Mountain Metric You've probably heard about riding in the area north of Winston Salem. If not, you can read about in the Ride Summaries section of the NCBC Web page. But why just read about it. On Saturday, June 3, 2000 you can experience it yourself
Tour de Kale Benefit ride for Kale Watkins and Mark & Michael Harris. Raise $100 get sweatshirt, raise $250 get a windshirt. Other prises for top fundraisers including weekend in Boone and weekend in Hawknest.
Cost - $20, extra $5 if you want meal (BBQ Chicken) Doorprises, Rest Stops, Traffic Control, Great Scenery, Camping available on Friday night.
Tour de Pickle Part of the 14th Annual NC Pickle Festival in Mt Olive, NC. Saturday, 4/29/00
Registration at 8am at the Parking lot of the Mount Olive Pickle Company Distribution Center located on North Center Street  @ Northeast Church           Road (just north of town) . Rides start at 9am for 25 & 50 mile routes through Wayne and Duplin Counties. 2 sags stops on each route.

CLUBS Bikejournal is designed to provide you, the avid or recreational biker, with a convenient and fun way to track your rides and meet other bikers. Membership is free. Features include a local weather report link, ability to graph your rides' stats, a member's forum for biking questions and comments, maps to local trails, biking links, and numerous stat comparison tables.
Blue Ridge Bicycle Club Hosts of the Hilly Hellacious Hundred, Asheville, NC
Brushy Mountain Cyclists Club Wilkesboro, NC based club for road and mountain cyclists.
Cape Fear Cyclists The home page from the club in Wilmington. They host a variety of rides during the year and feature flat (tandem-friendly) terrain.
East Carolina Velo A cycling club in Greenville, North Carolina.
Gaston County Cyclists & Road Runners A club of bicycling and running enthusiasts in the Gaston County, NC area.
Great Smokey Mountains Triathlon Club Scott Hanna is the race director of the Great Smokey Mountains Triathlon Club located in the Western North Carolina mountains, 2 hours from Atlanta, Asheville, Knoxville and Chattanooga. They are doing 9 races this year between March and November. Two of the races are bike races and the first race in March is a Mountain Bike Race. It's the first time to do this race both for the club and for the trails being ridden. The National Forest Service just completed the newest mountain bike trails in the area, and some people compare them to other great trails in Western NC.
International Human-Powered Vehicle Association More than just bicycles - all things human powered. A favorite hangout for recumbant riders.
League of American Bicyclists Home page of cycling's oldest advocacy group.
NC FATS Bicycle Club The home page of our mountain biking cohorts here in Raleigh. Very nice site - they include their newsletter.
NC Recumbent Riders Association Andrew Olls is co-founder of the NC Recumbent Riders Association, a group based out of Lincolnton, NC whose sole purpose is to promote recumbent riding. This is the most information-intense recumbent website in the world. If there are any members of NCBC interested in the recumbent lifestyle, feel free to email me or the other co-founder Chafin Rhyne. His website is (commercial site, but a LOT of other information regarding rides, advocacy, and 'bents). PS: We have a big recumbent rally planned for October, 2000. Hope some of you can make it.
Piedmont Fliers Bicycle Club The Piedmont Fliers are based in Winston-Salem, NC.
Randonneurs USA Web site for Randonneurs USA, the new qualifying organization for Paris-Brest-Paris. Has ride lists for all brevets in the US plus other info on long distance cycling.
Richmond Area Bicycling Assoc.
Rock Hill Bicycle Club A cycling club in Rock Hill, SC which is southwest of Charlotte, NC. A mixture of racers, tourers, and mountain bikers with a few piddlers thrown in.
Southern Off-Road Bicycle Association Good resource page for mountain biking in Georgia.
Tailwind Tandem Club A club for tandems based in Charlotte, NC
Tarheel Cyclists A bike club in Charlotte, NC
If you're going to be in the area, check out their Routes page
TARWHEELS Bicycle Club The home page of our sister club in Durham. Their ride calendar is worth checking out for additional rides in the Triangle.
Wheels of Dare The Wheels of Dare is the bicycle club of the Outer Banks of North Carolina.


Raleigh Weather Four-day Raleigh-Durham weather forecast.
WRAL's Doppler Radar Highly accurate radar readings of area precipitation. Very handy for guaging whether you're going to get wet on your ride!


The Bicycle Inn Bicycle-friendly accommodations found in Bakersville, NC.
Blue Ridge Cycle Tours
Coach Carl Online Carl Cantrell is a retired cycling coach who is using his site to promote cycling by providing free coaching and information to racers, recreational cyclists, coaches, and fans online.
Cyberider Cycling WWW site Online databank of cycling resources.
Cycle Expo Yet another comprehensive source of cycling info.
Cycling Italy All things cycling related to Italy. Good links to manufacturers.
Guardian Bicycle Locker System Low maintenance Bike Locker manufactured from plastic. Bicycle is fully contained with hook for helmet and riding gear.
Harris Cyclery A variety of useful articles by Sheldon Brown et al.
Icebike The definitive winter cycling site. This might come in handy if we have another storm like the Blizzard of '00.
Joe's Bicycle Painting Joe has over 15 years of bicycle painting experience. He has painted for Kestrel and currently does all the painting for Calfee bikes and Alpha Q forks.
Meredith College
Human Performance Laboratory
The Human Performance Laboratory at Meredith College is dedicated to providing students majoring in Exercise Science with the opportunity to utilize the knowledge and skills obtained during the educational process. To allow for this hands on experience, the laboratory provides athletes of all ability levels, the Meredith community, and persons looking to begin a lifetime of exercise the ability to receive up-to-date evaluations. These evaluations consist of examination of cardiovascular risk, fitness and training status, and guidance on how to improve and implement fitness and sport specific training into their lives.
Mid-Atlantic Cycling Pages Ride calendars and lots of other regional info.
Mountain View Lodge and Cabins Rest stop for weary cyclists at milepost 256 on the Parkway (about 3 miles north of Glendale Springs).
Pedal Pennsylvania A bicycle touring company, founded in 1995 with the goal of providing our riders with beautiful scenery, fantastic accomodations, full support and a challenging bike tour.
Pete's Bikindex Another comprehensive source of cycling info.
Pete & Ed Books A commercial site featuring cycling books, videos, and info.
Road Cycling the Blue Ridge Road Cycling the Blue Ridge High Country offers advice, photos and loads of links for road cyclists headed for the high country surrounding Boone, NC. The site is a companion to the cycling guide "Road Cycling the Blue Ridge High Country", available at bookstores and bike shops now from John F. Blair, Publisher.
Steve's Amazing Bicycle Trip Travelogue of solo ride from Richmond, BC to San Francisco. Interesting reading.
Timberline Adventures A relatively small "ma & pa" company based in Denver, CO, now in our 21st year of offering fully supported, in-to-inn bicycling and hiking adventure vacations throughout the western U.S. and Canada. Ours is a program for cyclists and hikers who love to bicycle and hike and are seeking an athletic adventure experience created by a group whose sole focus has always been bicycling and hiking in the West.
Vittoria Cycling Art A nice collection of cycling art. Sadly, it's not for sale (I've already asked).
Walden School of Cycling The Walden School of Cycling has been teaching road racing and riding skills for the last 17 years. Check out the website to see how to spend a winter week in sunny Florida!
Winter cycling Should shame us from staying indoors when it's cold.

I've received a number of suggestions for sites. Not all of them fit my criteria, but I've added them here anyway (at least for the time being). -DLC
Fitness Forum Unique cycling and fitness gifts.
National Bike on Transit Maps Want to take your bike on a train? This site has info on trains and transit systems which have facilities for bikes.
Pedal Pennsylvania home page Info on cycling tours across Pennsylvania.
Birmingham Bicycle Club Home page of the Alabama capital city cycling club.
Cycling sideways Cycle touring and tourist info for cyclists visiting Wales and the UK.

Page maintained by Tom Sheffield and last revised on Wednesday, April 11, 2001.
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