NCBC Member Benefits

bicycle chain

Monthly newsletter

The NC Bicycle News is published each month and includes a variety of useful cycling information, including the ride calendar, century reports, articles, and classified ads.

Any articles or information for the newsletter should be sent by the 10th of the month to the newsletter editor:

    Tim Hunter
    1100 Land's End Court
    Raleigh, NC 27606-8074
    (919) 852-0012

Classified ads

You can have a free one-month add for cycling equipment and accessories. No charge for NCBC members. Non-members pay $5 per ad. Send classified ad and check payable to NCBC (if non-member) to the newsletter editor listed above.

Bike travel cases for rent

NCBC has good hard-shell bike cases for rent to members. The fee is $1 per day with a refundable $200 deposit. The charges for late drop-off and for cancelling a reservation less than one month in advance are both $25. To reserve a case call David Saussey before 10pm at 834-8795, or email at

NCBC jerseys

Our colorful club jersey is still available in all sizes. $55 to members. Made by Aussie - a top-quality cycling jersey. Contact Henri Thomas at 552-6104 or come to the next club meeting.

NCBC Member Discount

Don't forget to ask for the discount that is available to club members at area bicycle shops. You can use the newsletter as proof of membership if the NCBC mailing label has your name and an expiration date that shows you to be a current member. See the NCBC Sponsors web page for a list of the shops offering discounts

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