NCBC Spring Rally
News release


It’s a bike ride. When? It is April 22, 2001, a Sunday. Where? At City of Raleigh, NC’s “Lake Wheeler Park” that is located just  a couple of miles south of I-40 at Raleigh, see details herein. Come ride out of Wake County into the low traffic rural roads of Johnston, Harnett, Lee, Chatham County:

For the Serious the Dedicated the Disciplined the Trained the Diehards the Road Dog type, it is the No Fear Cape Fear 2001 Double Metric (125 miles). Donna and I have ridden this course on tandem several times doing STR over the prior years. I promise you it is a fun but a challenging route. It is similar to the AoMM by virtue of having the  more difficult terrain in the latter part of the route beyond the half way point. That fact will test your skills, have you save something for the end and not been over extending your self to stay with the pack. the first three hours? Will the Hills of McArthur be your Waterloo? Will the Figure Eight Loop cause you to scratch? Will Buckhorn Creek Wall cause you to be bucked off ? Will the Ball Buster Wall crush yours? Will last but not least the Cokesbury Wall make you beg for a soda?  But Puppy, if you are then alone, at least the last 20 miles are somewhat tame.

Other exciting routes are the Metric ( 63 miles), which will avoid the hills below the Cape Fear River and the  ˝ Metric ( 36 miles), which misses the Christian Light Climb down near the Cape Fear . Come fly with the pack or go your own speed. There is also a special beginner ride, a 12 mile “Beginner Rider Challenge Ride” for newcomers. Special note: an effort will be made to shorten the ˝ metric route to about 30 miles details later.

And please volunteer, if you don’t ride, Captain Jack needs your help;  It’s rewarding to volunteer or just come out for the festivities. It’s a beautiful place and view at Lake Wheeler Park. The park has a pavilion building with observation deck, rest rooms, rental paddle boats, boat launch, concession stand, and picnic tables for the public on a first come basis. So bring the family or friends to enjoy the park while you ride or come and keep me company while we await the riders return. Help me cheer them in, lets give them the honor they deserve!

Come one, come all, The rally is open to the public. However there is a small registration to defray the club’s expenses for rally. If you plan to ride, it is best you pre register. Your pre registration greatly facilitate the NCBC to speculate how much food/drink the club will need available at rally. Also you can take advantage of the pre registration incentive fee discount. Or, you will be allow to register at day of rally. The event will be held on the advertised date! Not rain nor shine nor cold nor hot, nor weather in general will postpone the ride. There is no make up date, we will be there.

The Rally it is not a race and there are no prizes nor awards nor record for rider placement, first is as good as last upon returning to staging area. Although, I predict some  participants will make you think it is a race if you challenge to hold their wheels. So come test your self against the strength of the front pack or do your own personal time trial or just have a relaxing ride. It is up to you to choice your pace.

We recognize all finishers as having a successful ride. Please check in when you return after your ride.

Your choice of rides, 125, 100, 63, or 36 miles. 

The pre registration fee is $12. Pre registration is done via mail for members only and is due March 30 latest in club mail box.. Non members are always welcome to join the NCBC and you may join simultaneously with your pre registration. Or you may renew your membership with the registration form.  In either cases to order a tee shirt your pre registration must be received by March 30th. You must included with your pre registration form, a  stamped self return addressed envelope (with stamp attached) so a confirmation card/number can be sent to you ( you must have this card with you on the day of rally).

The  registration fee at morning of rally on April 22 is $15 ( member or non member).

There is no fee for the 12 mile “Beginner Rider Challenge Ride” for newcomers, come be our guest.

Forms will be in the NCBC new letter and may also be available to down load from the club’s web site <>.

The Rally location will be at Lake Wheeler Park (same location as last spring ), about four miles south of I-40 at Raleigh on Lake Wheeler Road.

Split start times:
The Double Metric’s ( and those taking the Century short cut) mass start time will be 7:00 AM.

Both the Metric and ˝ Metric mass start time will be 9 AM.

Beginner Challenger Riders may start any time after 9:05 AM, we prefer you follow out after the 9AM mass start for safety sake, if you are not accustom to large groups of riders.

The splits start are being done for a couple reasons. The 7:00 AM start will allow the long distance riders an early start and permit them to return to finish area about the same time as the Metric route riders (The rally director desires to have most all riders return about mid day, an epoch to allow for camaraderie). The 9 AM start will allow the Metric and ˝ Metric riders a more relaxed scheduled. Also, the two start times will reduce the rush hour effect of registration / check in / mass start congestion, for safety..

If you arrive late, riders may start  your ride after the mass starts. However, if you start late the route sweep may be ahead of you. Also, you may find the feed zone already closed when you get there . But there are stores alone the routes a rider can get service at, should you elect to start late. However it will be the NCBC policy to expect all riders going out by 9:10 am.

Feed Zones:
There is one FZ planned for the ˝ Metric.
There are two FZ planned for the Metric.
There are three FZ planned for the Double Metric.
There will be a FZ at the Lake Wheeler Park .

Participants are to park vehicles in the open field parking lot on the right at the top of the hill as you come into the park area. Then walk or ride bike to registration table located at parking lot near Pavilion  near lake. Mass start will be at pavilion parking lot. Finish line will be at entrance to the “open field parking lot”. Look for signs !

Important, only volunteer’s vehicles are allow to temporarily park in the Pavilion lot. Please do not abuse this rule and damage our club’s relationship with our sponsor, the City of Raleigh. Violators are subject to towing and or parking tickets. Order of Rally Director.                                              

Hope to see you there,

Jack Powell
Rally Director