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Bridge to Bridge Incredible Challenge (9/20/98)

Parting shot Obligatory parting shot. From left to right, riders are Ed Downing, David Racine, David Cole, and Stella Sable. At registration Kurt Massey (the tall guy) picks up his registration packet at the Lenoir Mall.
At Ft. Dobbs At Ft. Dobbs north of Statesville on warm-up ride. The "Hole in the ground" is behind Stella to the left. Waiting for the start Waiting for the start. George Meyer (many time first-place finisher) is in foreground on the green Bianchi. David Racine is behind him.
Leaving Lenoir The riders (900 or so) string out as they head south out of Lenoir. Single file on hwy 64 The pack spreads into a fast, single-file paceline on hwy 64 heading back into Lenoir.
At the sag stop The fine folks of Grand Manor Furniture extend their hospitality at sag stop 6, just a few miles into the climb up hwy 181 to the Parkway. Destiny awaits Your destiny awaits you. The peak of Grandfather is shrouded in clouds, towering high above the Parkway. A sobering sight for tired legs.
On the viaduct On the Linn Cove Viaduct. On 221 Passing under the large rock outcroping on the Avery County side of hwy 221.
The final climb The imposing final climb to the finish line, with spectators lining either side. At the top At the top, enjoying the rest, the scenery, and encouraging riders to the finish.
Bruce Lee at the top Tarwheeler Bruce Lee at the top enjoying the view. The insulation blankets are provided for warmth. Stella finishes Stella climbs to the finish, with tandem friend Rick Fergeson running alongside encouraging her on.
All finished The gang of riders at the top, having enjoyed the ride, but very, very happy to be finished.

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Page maintained by David L. Cole and last revised on Friday, October 2, 1998.
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