Swift Creek Shopping Center #2

bicycle chain

Contributed by: Laura Weislo
Ride starts from Swift Creek Shopping Center at the intersection of Tryon Road and Holly Springs Road/Walnut Street on the edge of Cary.

At Turn Go On Segment
0.0 R 0.0 Tryon Rd.
0.0 R 0.3 Yates Mill Pond
0.3 bR 1.9 Olde South
2.2 R 1.1 Penny (hill!)
3.3 L 1.7 Graham Newton (more hill!)
5.0 R 1.3 Ten Ten
6.3 L 0.5 West Lake (careful! Fast oncoming traffic)
6.8 R 1.6 Optimist Farm (aka Interval Training Rd)
8.4 L 2.3 Sunset Lake
10.7 X 2.6 Hilltop Needmore
13.3 X 2.5 401
15.8 L 5.5 Chalybeate Rd.
21.3 R 2.5 Raleigh Rd.
23.8   0.1 Rest stop
23.9 X               Raleigh
23.9 L 1.0 Broad?
24.9   1.8 Merges onto 55
26.7 R 1.6 Maude Stewart Rd.
28.3 bL 2.0 Kennebec
30.3 X 1.2 42
31.5 L 1.6 Hilltop
33.1 X 0.5 401 (soft left turn)
33.6 R 3.3 Lake Wheeler
36.9 X 3.4 Ten Ten
40.3 L 0.1 Penny
40.4 bR 1.0 Yates Mill Pond
41.4 bR 0.6  
42.0 bR 1.9  
43.9 L 0.3 Tryon Rd
44.2 L   Campbell & R into shopping center

Page maintained by Tom Sheffield and last revised on Monday, January 17, 2000.
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