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NCBC Randonneurs

High Point Brevets, Populaire and Flèche

RBA Richard Lawrence
2288 Turner Road
Lexington, N.C. 27292
(336) 249-1114
bicycle chain



Each Easter weekend French randonneuring clubs ride in small teams from their respective towns to converge at a designated location in the south of the country. These rides are held in the memory and spirit of Paul de Vivie (better known as "Vélocio") who was an early champion of bicycles, derailleurs and long–distance cycletouring.

For more information, see the Flèche Rules page maintained by Randonneurs Ontario.

Q. May a team finish in, say 20 hours, provided at least three finish together?

A. You can stop no longer than 2 hours at a time; you have to ride at least 25km in the last 2 hours.
It is a point-to-point ride (flèche = arrow).
You can finish a little early, but not with 4 hours to spare (it violates the 25km in last 2 hours rule).

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