NCBC Randonneurs
High Point Brevets, Populaire and Flèche
- The official High Point Brevets, Populaire and Flèche ride listings at RUSA
- The 2004 Sauratown 200km brevet will start at 7:00am on Saturday, April 3 (Registration is $17.00).
- The 2004 Sauratown populaire (100km) will start at 7:30am on Saturday, April 3 (Registration is $17.00).
- The brevet and populaire start from:
- Oak Hollow Marina
3431 N Centennial St
High Point, NC
Maps: [Yahoo][Mapquest]
- The RUSA FAQ defines a "brevet" as:
"a challenging ... ride with a specific time limit.
The randonneur carries a brevet card, which is signed and stamped at each checkpoint along the way to prove they have covered the distance successfully.
(Losing the card, or missing a required checkpoint is a very bad thing to do!)
Also, pronounce the word correctly: "brevet" rhymes with "say" or "Chevrolet", not "get" or "let".
- The RUSA Glossary defines a "Populaire" as:
"A shorter "randonneuring" event usually run under the regulations and pace of a standard brevet,
but being less than 200 kilometers in length, they lack the official sanction of the Audax Club Parisien.
Populaires are often 100 or 150 kilometers in length and frequently used by experienced randonneurs for
training and/or socializing, as well as introducing new riders to the ways of "randonneuring".
- A flèche is a 24-hr team ride of at least 360km with a minimum of three riders and a maximum of five per team.
The 2004 High Point Flèche starts on Good Friday morning (April 9th) and ends Saturday morning for breakfast at Richard Lawrence's house
(which is 2288 Turner Road, Lexington, NC
Maps: [Yahoo][Mapquest]
Teams plot their own 360km routes, so each team has a different course.
- Lodging facilities that might be needed for the 200km brevet or populaire are about 7 miles away at the intersection of NC-68 and I-40 (Greensboro) where there are a number of motels.
Maps: [Yahoo][Mapquest]
- These brevets are held rain or shine – no refunds of entry fees.
- Routes are not marked, but cue sheets and maps will be provided.
- ANSI or Snell approved Helmets MUST be worn at all times on course.
- Your bicycle should be in good condition. All riders must carry at least one spare tube and a pump.
- Personal sags are not allowed on the route. They are to be met at the designated checkpoints only.
- Check the Rules for Riders page at RUSA for a complete list of brevet rules.
- There will be limited coverage of the route by organizers, riders are expected to be self sufficient.
- All riders planning on doing P-B-P must be a member of RUSA and have a valid RUSA membership number prior to the first brevet of the season.
Membership applications are available at the RUSA website.
- Al Johnson has a Tips page with information useful for riding the brevets.
Each Easter weekend French randonneuring clubs ride in small teams from their respective towns to converge at a designated location in the south of the country. These rides are held in the memory and spirit of
Paul de Vivie (better known as "Vélocio")
who was an early champion of bicycles, derailleurs and long–distance cycletouring.
For more information, see the Flèche Rules page maintained by Randonneurs Ontario.
Q. May a team finish in, say 20 hours, provided at least three finish together?
A. You can stop no longer than 2 hours at a time; you have to ride at least 25km in the last 2 hours.
It is a point-to-point ride (flèche = arrow).
You can finish a little early, but not with 4 hours to spare (it violates the 25km in last 2 hours rule).
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