Hanging Rock SP - Sauratown Mtn - Pilot Mtn SP

By Ed Downing

I'll be dancing in the Sauratowns Saturday, September 25 so intend to ride the HRSP circuit. I know my timing is impeccably bad since it's the weekend after B2B and you all think your season is finished. I'll be nearby anyway and would be glad to have any willing riders join me. Please contact me if you're interested so I can arrange the REI departure as I won't be leaving from REI.


   Hanging Rock SP - Sauratown Mt - Pilot Mt SP
       Hanging Rock SP: 1700' at the beach parking lot.
       Sauratown Mt:    2441' at antennas, gate may be a bit lower.
       Pilot Mt SP:     2440' at the knob top, PL a bit lower.
   62 mile circuit
   5-6000' ascention total for the circuit
   somewhat rough roads but suitable for road bikes
   Olympic Restaurant (Walnut Cove) for post-ride refreshments

Plan for 1999 September 25:

    7:30 REI arrival and load bikes.
    7:45 REI depart.
   10:00 HRSP arrival and ride prep.
   10:30 HRSP depart.
   16:00 HRSP last to arrive.
         Load bikes, Olympic Restaurant, etc.
   20:00 REI arrive, unload bikes, etc.

Non-Raleighites are welcome to meet up with us at HRSP.

[Write-up of '97 ride]

[photos from '97 ride]

How steep are those climbs???

Page maintained by David L. Cole and last revised on Tuesday, August 10, 1999.
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