NCBC Spring 2001 Rally Recap
by Jack Powell

It was a great day for cycling and I got to see fellow cyclist I had not seen all winter. Thanks to God above, we were blessed with favorable weather. After the rain in 2000, I was most grateful this year that no one got wet nor cold, cyclist nor volunteer. The Double Metric and Century riders, about 47, were off at 7 AM. The Metric and ½ Metric riders, about 102 of them,  started at 9 AM. Even after all cyclist were off and out on the road our club’s presents was known at the park because we near filled the parking field, the vehicles mass was noticeable. In the absents of a parking marshal,  I commend everyone for parking in a reasonable and some what orderly manner, although some one said it looked like a staggered pace line three abreast. Most all riders completed their course and returned to the park between 11:30 AM and 1 PM. The split start time achieved getting most rider back in the park in the same time window. It was rewarding to experience many of the cyclist ( from the centuries and metrics ) socializing under the cool shade trees over looking the lake after they returned. Even though the rally is not a race, I would like to recognize Alan Nechemias, of Durham  for completing the rigorous hilly No Fear Cape Fear Double Metric, the theme ride of the rally, in 6 hr. 58 min. alone. Also congratulation are in order to a four some, Travis Guess, Randy Robertson, David Racine, and Kurt Massy who completed the English Century  in  4hr. 42 min.. and Bob Sharrar a short distance behind them. The  times are unofficial, but mannnnn, that is impressive to me a 22 mph. avg. and kindly note that it was a 103 mile course with lots of hills. (It takes a strong rider an extra 9 minutes to do those nasty extra 3 miles, go figure, 4:33 for the 100). I regret we don’t have an accurate list of names or clock, but actually there was a  substantial number of club members, on single bikes and one tandem team, who completed the English Century course within 5 hours. I recall specifically Tom Fissel, Alan Walker, Bob Schaffer, Smith Doss/Claude Monnier were among those other early groups in, so if you are interested in the action of the day quiz them as to whom they finished with and what happened. The Metric riders started coming in mixed with the century riders so it was hard for me to follow what was happening.  My congratulations to all the finishers! Donna and I have personally suffered these courses multiple times on our tandem in prior years, thus I am well aware of their hills and difficulty. To my knowledge, every rider completed the course he challenged and no one had to be picked up for bonking. This is a reflection of the strength of the field of riders in the NCBC. Truly we are a well known bicycling club in North Carolina with a great membership of dedicated cyclist and club  heritage. Thanks to every cyclist who registered and/or attended the rally for continuing our club’s tradition.

The economics of the rally was positive, which will help assure the clubs sovereignty and allow it to provide things in the near future for the membership. On behalf of the club, thanks to all those who attended, volunteered and or contributed financially.

In closing, I want to give special thank to those who gave up a day ( a great day for a bike ride), to volunteer service to make the rally possible, also others who participated directly and or indirectly with the rally. Sponsors: City of Raleigh providing Lake Wheeler Park, Fuquay Soccer League, City of Broadway Parks, Bob & Nan’s Farm Mart. Volunteers: Tim Hunter editor and document provider, Rick Ferguson tee shirt artist/designer, Ted Korab procurement of tee shirts and FZ#1, Donna Powell rally director assistance and registration, Smith Doss and Claude Monnier assistance with route marking, Bruce Rosar procurement of new equipment, FZ#2 and sweeping century loops, Denis Blazer for assisting at FZ#2, David Cole and Scott Gallimore FZ#3, Carol Schroeder FZ#1A and procurement delivery of ice and bagels, Henri Thomas with pre registration, FZ#1A, procurement delivery of cup supplies/beverages / food stuff and registration,  Alan Nechemias press release and procurement delivery of fruit, Theresa Costello and Sue Merritt sweeping ½ Metric course, Doug Smith sweeping Metric course. Also, Ben Herrmann manager Lake Wheeler Park. It was a pleasure to work with this group.

(Is it true that Kurt does not drink and syntheses water from thin air ?  I personally love a good stories so please pass along what you learn.)

Jack Powell
Rally Director